Getting help

When it comes to prioritising the health of doctors, we understand the importance of accessing the right assistance. We have streamlined the process to ensure that help is readily available to medical professionals across Australian States and Territories.

Talk to a Doctor

At Drs4Drs, we understand the unique needs of doctors and medical students and strive to ensure that quality care and support are accessible to everyone. Take the first step towards prioritising your wellbeing today.

Talk to a Doctor

Over the phone

Mental health and wellbeing support services for urgent and non-urgent support provided by Doctors' Health Services across Australia

Mental health and wellbeing support 24/7, 365 days a year, free and confidential. Doctors and medical students can access support from the network of Doctors’ Health Services across Australia. Contact details for these services are located in the table below.




07 3833 4352



Australian Capital Territory

1300 374 377




1300 330 543




1300 374 377



Western Australia

08 9321 3098



Northern Territory

08 8366 0250



New South Wales

02 9437 6552



South Australia

08 8366 0250


National Mental Telehealth Support (Telecounselling)

Telecounselling support 24/7, 365 days a year, free and confidential: 1300 374 377 (1300 Dr4Drs)

1300 374 377 (1300 Dr4Drs)

In addition to the State and Territory based services, Drs4Drs also offers a confidential Telecounselling mental health service specifically for doctors, medical students and their spouse/partner who are struggling with their mental health.

This service is available for crisis and non-urgent mental health support.

Counselling is provided by trained and experienced counsellors, social workers and psychologists who have completed our online learning module “Be a Dr4Drs”.

This service provides doctors and medical students (and their partner/spouse) with up to three counselling sessions of one hour each. It can also provide advice on how to access further care if required, including through the existing State and Territory Doctors’ Health Services network mentioned above.

We want you to know the following information before you contact the telecounselling service and make an appointment:

  • Drs4Drs is provided by Converge International.
  • All counsellors are based in Australia and are registered psychologists (AHPRA), qualified social workers (AASW) or qualified counsellors (ACA; PACFA). They must also meet Converge’s own accreditation processes, including appropriate experience.
  • Your call will be received by a person experienced in triaging calls who will explain the support options available to you. If your call is assessed as urgent, you can choose to be referred for an immediate confidential telehealth consultation by one of the qualified mental health professionals who is available at the time.
  • If you do not need to speak to someone immediately, an appointment will be made for you with one of Converge’s mental health professionals who are experienced in counselling doctors.
  • Your confidentiality is our highest priority. Drs4Drs does not receive any information that could identify you.
  • A reminder, 1300 Dr4Drs is not a substitute for having a usual GP. Your local Doctors’ Health Service will also be able to work with you, including advice on access to care through face-to-face services in your region. 
  • To satisfy reporting requirements and to ensure quality of service delivery, Converge will collect de‑identified information and provide this to Drs4Drs. This information includes State/Territory; age range; location type (metropolitan, regional, rural or remote); gender; and career status (student, doctor in training, GP, non-GP specialist or CMO) – at no stage can you be individually identified by this data and you can decline to provide this information if you wish.

This program is supported by funding from the Australian Government Department of Health and Aged Care

Learning modules

We’ve created a set of four connected learning modules designed specifically to address the needs of doctors – from self care, to treating other doctors. Start learning online any time.


Go to the learning modules

Access training online through our secure online training centre. 


Read online

When it comes to prioritising the health of doctors, we understand the importance of accessing the right assistance. We have streamlined the process to ensure that help is readily available to medical professionals and medical students across Australian States and Territories.


Find a resource

Peer reviewed research, articles and e-books for download, and more.


Five minute guides

Short-end guides for topics affecting doctors at different stages