Confidential and qualified advice over the phone. Available 24/7 to any doctor and medical student in Australia.
Call to be connected to a Counsellor
Call to be connected to a Doctor in your state
02 9437 6552
1300 374 377
1300 330 543
1300 374 377
07 3833 4352
08 9321 3098
08 8366 0250
08 8366 0250
If you are not a doctor or medical student, please call Lifeline 13 11 14
Not ready to call? Learn more:
Getting helpFor urgent support call
1300 374 377 (1300 Dr4Drs)If you are not a doctor or medical student, please call Lifeline 13 11 14
Not ready to call? Read about other pathways to help.
Getting helpWho we are here for
Drs4Drs provides support for any doctor or medical student across Australia. Below are just a few of the groups we work with.
Medical students

Doctors in training

Rural and isolated doctors

International Medical Graduates

Senior medical officers

Community and hospital based doctors

Retiring doctors

Colleagues and families of doctors

We do not offer services to members of the public. If you are not a doctor or medical student, you can seek help via Lifeline or call 000 for emergencies.